Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Best Color for Dust Jackets and Their Repair...?

Black DJ's wear well. They are the Best!

They can be cleaned up and touched up to like new appearance especially when put in new mylar.

White DJ are the worst! They show every mark, scratch and bump... And if you try to repair them they just look worse.

Matte finish DJs, usually on older books, should never be cleaned with liquids...water or alcohol...they will shred immediately. Erasers will abraid them quickly...making whatever the problem was even worse... And well, matte finished white DJ's...! Yeah Right...

Other good DJ colors are red, blue and dark green...these touch up nicely with colored makers or "Sharpies."

The best touch up for black and white photos...usually of the author on the back a regular pencil... Finding really good light grey colored markers is impossible...they are usually too "black" and ruin the look.

Another odd fact is that "True Crime" books almost always have black DJs... Go Figure. Just look in the True Crime section and your bound to notice this... True Crime is also a good seller...there is always someone who wants to read about horrid crimes! Perhaps they are mystery readers normally...?