Saturday, December 29, 2007

Winter Visitors: At the Birdfeeder.

In December only the year around residents are still at the local birdfeeders...

As usual hundreds of sparrows abound...mostly House Sparrows and Tree Sparrows.

A few Black Capped Chickadees will grab a seed and fly off...coming back again in a few minutes for another...

Another seed grabber is the very small and stubby tailed, Red Breasted Nuthatch....I have one visitor that comes back everyday for a few hours.

There are Starlings...loud and noisy fighting amongst themselves for the suet blocks.

Also Cardinals, male and female... And the occasional Blue Jay to shake things up a bit at the feeder.

Additionally, the very well behaved Mourning Doves...about five or six at times... These birds are ground feeders...they seldom perch. They are truly passive and none aggressive among themselves or with other birds. No wonder the Dove is the bird symbolizing Peace...

There are, naturally,, grey and black! The Black Squirrels are small and not easily frightened. Amazingly the birds seem to tolerate the squirrels feeding among them...there is no fear of squirrels probably because the squirrels are seen to be after the seeds... not the birds...!

Finally, the neighborhood cat will show up... everyone scatters...and waits for the cat to move on....