Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Arkham House Books are instant collectibles.

What I like about Arkham House Books is that they hold their value. Arkham House is a small publisher of Horror and Fantasy Books. They are perhaps best known for their ties to H.P.Lovecraft and his circle.

Lovecraft is still popular today...although few think of him as a technically great writer. Lovecraft's influence on entire generations of Horror writers is well documented. Indeed Stephen King arknowledges his debt to Lovecraft's books in fashioning his own writing style.

But even Lovecraft had mentors. Lovecraft considered himself to be influenced by Lord Dunsany and Poe who were early writers experimenting with the Horror/Fantasy genre which became so popular in the later part of the 20th Century.

Arkham House still has a large number of books by Lovecraft and his circle in print. And they are probably good investments as well as good reading.